Thursday, July 1, 2010

Behold, He comes!!!

Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
Rev. 1:7

In His first advent, Jesus came as a baby, born to a mere carpenter's wife in a small town in Judea. Only a very small number of people knew of His birth and enjoyed the privilege of actually seeing Him. And think of those who did. Shepherds, perhaps some villagers in Bethlehem, and a little later, Magi from the east arrived bearing gifts.

When He returns, Jesus the Messiah, will come from heaven as He left earth some 2000 years ago, with the clouds. He will come in glory as the returning King, and EVERY EYE will see Him! I can't explain that. Although we are much closer to that possibility in this communications age than we were even 50 years ago, I cannot guess how. But somehow His coming will be such that all the world will be able to see Him coming!

Now, I'm not so sure about the next part: "they which pierced Him". I wonder, would this be the Jewish people as the descendants of those who cried "Crucify Him." Or would it be the Romans who actually carried out the deed. Or, could it be all those who have rejected Him. Honestly, I am not sure who these would be. But I think it would be safe to say that even those who have marginalized or mythologized or ignored Him will SEE Him coming! And not only will they see Him, but at the name of Jesus EVERY knee shall bow.

And when they do, how will they react? The next phrase also makes me pause and consider what it is actually saying. "All kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him." Wail there means to beat their chests. Some versions translate it as mourn. So, my question is, are they mourning Him in the sense that they are mourning over a loved one that was lost? Or, are they mourning His return as those that have worked so hard to do away with this stumbling block, this "petra skandalon" (rock of offense). Are they wailing because the very One whom they have rejected, mocked, and misrepresented is returning to bring truth, justice, and righteousness? That would probably be my guess.

But what is our response to all of this? "Even so, Amen." "Even so, come Lord Jesus!" Our hearts should overflow with joy at the thought of His return! To be united with Him in the flesh should be our ultimate dream. I think it is so wonderful to contemplate the return of the Lord! We love Him so much, and we feel His love and closeness. Yet, how much more wonderful will it be when He returns and our faith is made sight. We will not only see Him, but touch Him as well. I wonder what that will be like. Will we each need to wait in an interminable line for our turn to hear Him speak our name. Or, as in the movie "Joshua," will He be able to be with more than one person at a time?

I'm sure He will recognize us. Will we recognize Him? I mean, will He look like the many representations we have seen of Him? Will we be surprised at how we find Him? No matter! It will be such a wonderful meeting that we will surely think we've died and gone to heaven (pun intended - yes, I know it is a very silly pun).


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hebrews 11:1-4

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks. Hebrews 11:1-4

I've finished my group studies for now (will probably pick something up in the fall), so I've gone back to my long-standing friend, "Search the Scriptures." I am taking up where I left off. I will get back to the Revelations study, but just wanted to share some things that hit my heart this morning.

verse 1

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for." You can "see" it, you can "taste" it. You know the surety of what you are holding onto because of the One who promised. It is not so vague as, "Oh, I hope . . . ." It is a firm belief and trust that even though you cannot see it right now, you have it! You know that God will not fail.

"The evidence of things not seen." Faith is walking through the darkness in confidence! It is letting go of those things we feel we must control or life will spin off into chaos. It is surrender of my will and my way to the will of the One who has promised and who loves me more than I love myself.

So, I ask myself: Have I surrendered control? Have I given up holding onto the things that seem to keep me grounded? Or have I let them go into the hands of the One who truly holds my life together? Do I have faith to walk through the darkness and confusion with confidence?

verse 2

"For by it the elders obtained a good testimony." Men of old, the elders, Old Testament saints, obtained a testimony by their faith. God included them in His narrative not because they were the most successful, the most famous, the strongest, the best looking, or the most talented. He included them because they believed Him and it changed their lives and changed the world. Thousands of years later, we know who Abel, Noah, Abraham, Esther, Rahab, Ruth, Sarah, Moses, Joshua, etc. were because of they were willing to step out in faith in a God whom they could not see. (And they did not have Holy Spirit dwelling within them, as we are so blessed to enjoy because of Christ.) God testifies to their faith in His Word! There may be failing and stumbling, yet God's testimony is of their faith. How much more awesome could it be than to have God himself testify about my life, that I walked by faith.

And, again, I ask myself, if God were to testify of my life, what would it sound like? What would He choose to mention? And where would He be silent? What do I focus on? Am I working for success, for notice, for acceptance? Or, am I seeking for a relationship with God that will give me the confidence to walk where I cannot see and follow when I cannot understand? Do I know Him well enough to trust Him with my life and all that matters to me?

verse 3

"By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible." It is by faith that we believe the account of the creation, even as the world tries to explain God away. Faith believes because God told us. We don't demand that God give us with scientific proof to back it up. I know there are differences of opinion as to the reading of Genesis, and that is fine. But it all goes back to the basics. And if we cannot believe that God created the heavens and the earth by speaking it into being, then how can we believe that the death of one Man two thousand years ago affects our eternal condition? God has given us His description of the events. Science is wonderful. It is an opportunity to observe and to learn from the world around us. But when we allow what we "see" to rule, can we be walking by faith? Just my opinion. The Word says that God spoke the universe and time itself into existence.

A commentary I read after I finished my study brought to my attention the concept that faith brings understanding. It is as we step out in faith that we are able to understand. As long as our hearts are coming from the "prove it" or "show me" point of view, my understanding is limited and short sighted. Basing our belief only on what we can see, quantify, and examine, limits our understanding to the physical and ignores the eternal realities and supernatural involvement of God in His creation.

Do I believe by faith in God's account of the creation? How do I balance science and faith? How can I communicate this? Do I believe the Word of God, or do I pick and choose what is "believable"? Am I prone to explaining away the things of Scripture that are beyond my experience and my understanding? How does such faith, or lack of, affect my relationship with God and my relationship to the world around me? Do I allow for the supernatural and the eternal in my exploration of the world?

verse 4

(Now this is where it got good for me this morning!) "By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks." Abel's faith was expressed in his offering. By faith, his offering was a "better sacrifice" than Cain's. Cain seemed to have missed the whole point of the offering, perhaps because of his lack of faith. He was going through the motions with no concept of what his offering represented.

Abel brought the "firstborn of his flock", the fat portion, and the Lord looked at it. The word is "shaah", which means a look, a moment, to gaze at or about. This seems more than a glance. Could Abel's offering have blessed God in such a way that He paused and looked intently at it. I think possibly that God was captivated by Abel's offering because it was one of the first representations of His Son. Nothing grabs God's attention more than something to do with His Son. And this sacrifice of the firstborn lambs must have touched God's heart!

There is something in Abel's offering that seems to indicate an understanding of what it is God truly wants, and I believe that can only come from a relationship and personal knowledge of God Himself. I have heard that it is believed that God must have told Adam and his family what type of offerings He required. There is no Scripture to indicate that He did, but it is very possible that He did so. However, I wonder if it isn't just as possible that Abel's relationship with God was such that he understood what type of offering would please Him. That Abel sought the Lord and sought to please Him, and that his desire led him to an offering that would cause God to catch His breath at the sight of it.

It doesn't say whether Cain brought the best of his crops or just his crops. There are first fruits offerings that are detailed in the Law of Moses. So, it wasn't a "wrong" offering. But perhaps his heart was not where it should be. He was offering God what he had, but did not seek to know what it was that God want, what would please Him. And then he was bent out of shape because God "looked at" Abel's offering and not his. It wasn't so much the offering that fell short, God did not indicate that there was anything wrong with it. But Cain recognized the difference in God's reaction to Abel's offering and to his own.

It goes on to say that the testimony Abel received of God was that he was righteous, and God testified of his offerings, his gifts. Because of his faith, even though he is dead (and he was actually the first one to die physically), he still speaks. What does he say? Is it that his life speaks to us of faith, or that by faith he is still living and speaking? Does he still speak as the first righteous one put to death by his brother, again, a picture of Christ. Both in his offering and in his death, Abel pointed to the Son of God who would die at the hands of His brothers due to jealousy.

And so I ask, what of my offerings? Do they reveal faith in God, both in their quality and in their substance? Or, are they given as a mere meeting of a requirement which I do not understand? Are they given based on what others say or what I think will suffice? Or, do I have such a knowledge and relationship with God that I know and understand what He wants? And what does God testify of my offerings?

My life and my death, do they point to my Savior? Do I reveal Christ by my life, my giving, my choices, my actions? Abel knew nothing of Christ, yet his actions pointed so clearly to the Lamb of God, the way I believe he did that was through a life of relationship and seeking God. I believe that relationship led him, God led him to a sacrifice that pointed to Christ. Do I have such a relationship that in the midst of the contradictory voices of what God wants I understand Him and His will. If so, my life must point to Christ. If not, it may be a good life--I may bring my first fruits--but it won't capture God's attention, and I won't obtain God's testimony of my life.

By faith we walk in confidence. God testifies to faith in our lives, not success, strength, or beauty. Faith gives us a foundation for understanding the world around us and the world beyond our senses. By faith we can know what will please God, which is anything and everything to do with Christ, and our lives can speak far beyond ourselves.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Revelation - Introduction

I have just begun a study of the book of Revelation with my awesome friend, Leanne. And, just for the fun of it, I thought I would share some of my personal study with you. I remind you first that I am NOT a theologian, and I certainly may get some things wrong. But for what it is worth, I will share some of my thoughts on what I am reading.


The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must soon take place; and He sent and communicated it by His angel to His bond-servant John, who testified to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near. John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace [be] unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; And from Jesus Christ, [who is] the faithful witness, [and] the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him [be] glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Revelation 1:1-6

We usually read Revelation to understand what is coming, to be prepared. It is often portrayed as a doomsday scenario and is likened by the world to the writings of Nostradamus. However, this is first and foremost a revelation from Jesus Christ to the Church, and so I would expect it to be much more about encouraging and strengthening rather than about fear and terror. Certainly, what is written here will reveal the Person of Jesus Christ and what is to come to the world, but mainly what is to come from the viewpoint of His bond-servants. And, I believe that as the reality of this revelation begins to unfold in time, Jesus Christ will also be revealed as Lord to all the world and to the powers of darkness, as well as to His beloved in all His glory!

God the Father is source of this revelation, and He has intended it specifically for the bond-servants of His Son. God, the Father, has given this revelation to His Son for His church, for His body. As much as all Scripture is inspired by Holy Spirit, yet this revelation seems different. It is specifically given from the Father to Jesus and then communicated to John by an angel to be specifically shared with the body of Christ!

This revelation is written in the sense that these things are imminent. We are to be prepared, watching, waiting, and aware. It is so easy to get caught up in the sense that day by day things just go on as they have always done. Yet, we are to be the faithful servants watching and waiting expectantly for our Lord’s return (see Mark 13:34-36).

John presents himself as an eye-witness, faithfully sharing all he has seen and experienced. He is not writing from his heart, teaching doctrine, or sharing his opinions, but rather he is laying out all that was shown him.

I find it so interesting that this book should promise blessing for those who hear it and heed the things which are written in it. Although we are definitely blessed by reading any part of the Bible. Yet, this is the only part of the Bible (that I can remember) that specifically promises such a blessing. Isn't it the Gospels or Romans or the Psalms that we look to first for a blessing? I wonder what there is in this book that holds such promised blessing. What is there here that we would not find elsewhere? What does it have to reveal that should bless us so?

This prophecy is sent to the seven churches in Asia by the grace and peace of God. I do believe that this book was originally sent to the actual seven churches in Asia. However, because the Bible uses the number seven to indicate "fullness" or "completeness," I also believe that it is intended for the whole body of Christ.

Greetings of grace and peace are sent to the churches from Him which is, which was, and which is to come -- I love that title, doesn't it echo the "I AM WHO I AM" of the Old Testament? And yet, the "is to come" pictures the returning of Jesus Christ. So interesting and so very deep. One of the things that I find interesting (as echoed in the Jewish New Commentary) is how much of Revelation is built on Old Testament references and imagery. And I will certainly try to use commentaries and the references in my study Bible to look back to the Old Testament roots for the revelations.

From the "seven spirits" which are before His throne. I have to admit that I find the "seven spirits" a little hard to understand. However, I believe this to be the Holy Spirit Himself. The fact that He is mentioned in this reference between the Father (the "I AM") and the Son (Jesus Christ), confirms it for me. I also did find that The Jewish New Testament Commentary by Daniel H. Stern points out that there are two passages in the Old Testament prophets that suggest the Holy Spirit is related to the number seven. Isaiah 11:2 lists seven attributes of the Spirit, and Zechariah 4:2-10 which associates some of the "seven" imagery of Revelation with the Spirit.

(1)Jesus Christ is referred to as the "faithful witness" (or faithful martyr). He is the One who can be trusted by the church as the One who witnessed the truth of the Father in His life, in His own death, and through His own death. It is through Jesus Christ that we can know the Father and the truth. I am reminded of how deceptive and confusing this life can be. Someone has said that this world is a sort of digital or virtual reality and not the true substance of reality. Jesus Christ, as the Son of the Father, has given us a glimpse of true, substantial reality.

(2)He is also described as the first begotten of the dead, which says that because of His resurrection, we also anticipate our resurrection to eternal life in fellowship with God. No matter what this world gives us, no matter what we face in the here and now, this is not all there is. We know that after this short time of trial and struggle, there is a hope and a future for us that will not end!! Halleluiah!!

(3)The Prince of the kings of the earth, King of kings and Lord of lords, every knee shall bow before Him. Every tyrant and despot will one day have to bow before Him. Even now those who seem to exercise such power and sway over our lives are actually only given such power as our Lord will allow them. Even Jesus told Pilate that any power he had to execute or free Him was only what authority was granted to him for God's purposes. No matter what comes our way, we can trust our lives are firmly in the hands of our Lord and Savior.

(4)He loves us.

(5)He has cleansed us from our sins by His own blood.

(6)He has made us a new Kingdom, a new Nation. We are no longer of this world, we have become a part of His Kingdom in this world.

(7)And He has made us to be priests unto God, His Father. Serving before His Father in the office of priest.

It is for these seven reasons that the glory and the dominion are to Him for ever and ever!!! (Another use of the number seven. The book of Revelation uses the number of seven very extensively as we will see. )

Well, I hope that you may have gotten something out of this. I am so excited as Leanne and I are going through this study together. I truly believe that God has provided this book to the Church of Jesus Christ for some very specific purposes, and I take very seriously the promise of blessing for studying and obeying what the Lord has given us in this book. As I said, I am no theologian by any stretch of the imagination, but I hope that this will at least give you a taste of what this book has to offer.
